Sunday, January 29, 2017

Minor Flying Norwegian Dragon

I've been working on a Minor Flying Norwegian Dragon, a free pattern by Anne Bruvold.  She says there are more dragons that haven't been discovered yet, and I think the one I've seen around here is the Desert Sunset Dragon.  Once I finish the green one I have the perfect Southwestern blend for a second one.

I only have the body done so far.  (Forgive the lint; the cat's been sleeping on my sweatpants when I'm not in them.)

The pattern calls for Single Shuttle Split Rings, but I don't have the patience for that just now.  Later on the pattern requires two shuttles, so that's what I started with and just made regular split rings.  I'm using size 10 Lizbeth 680, and the extra bulk of the SSSR was too noticeable in that size thread, too.  (That's my story and I'm sticking with it!)  ☺

The wing pattern was not making sense to me at first, but I think I have it now.  I'll keep you posted!


  1. It's your dragon! I've also used split rings to tat it and it's more stable that way because there are two threads between rings.

    1. I hadn't thought of it, but you're right. I also prefer to tat with two shuttles instead of a ball; it's easier to hold onto. The only problem I had was running out of thread in an inconvenient place. Next time I'll know when to stop and reload.
